Interface TableStyle

A set of strings to use for printing table borders.


  • TableStyle


borderCrossing: string

Crossing of row and column borders between cells, e.g. '─┼─'.

bottomLeftOutline: string

Outline of the bottom left corner of the table, e.g. '└─'.

bottomOutlineColumnBorder: string

Bottom outline of table between cells with border between columns, e.g. '─┴─'.

bottomRightOutline: string

Outline of the bottom right corner of the table, e.g. '─┘'.

columnBorder: string

Vertical border between columns, e.g. ' │ '.

columnNoBorder: string

Gap between columns if no border shall be printed, e.g. ' '.

headerBorder: string

Horizontal border between header and table body, one character wide, e.g. '═'.

headerBorderCrossing: string

Crossing of header and column border between cells, e.g. '═╪═'.

headerNoBorderCrossing: string

Header row border between cells without a border between columns, e.g. '══'.

horizontalOutline: string

Horizontal outline of the table, one character wide, e.g. '─'.

leftHeaderRowBorder: string

Crossing of left table outline and horizontal border between header and table body, e.g. '╞═'.

leftOutline: string

Left outline of the table, e.g. '│ '.

leftOutlineRowBorder: string

Crossing of left table outline and horizontal row border, e.g. '├─'.

noBorderCrossing: string

Row border between cells without a border between columns, e.g. '──'.

outlineNoBorderCrossing: string

Table outline border between cells without a border between columns, e.g. '──'.

paddingChar: string

Padding used to in alignment and indentation, e.g. ' '.

This is meant to be once character wide.

rightHeaderRowBorder: string

Crossing of left table outline and horizontal border between header and table body, e.g. '═╡'.

rightOutline: string

Right outline of the table, e.g. ' │'.

rightOutlineRowBorder: string

Crossing of right table outline and horizontal row border, e.g. '─┤'.

rowBorder: string

Horizontal border between rows, one character wide, e.g. '─'.

topLeftOutline: string

Outline of the top left corner of the table, e.g. '┌─'.

topOutlineColumnBorder: string

Top outline of table between cells with border between columns, e.g. '─┬─'.

topRightOutline: string

Outline of the top right corner of the table, e.g. '─┐'.

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