Crossing of row and column borders between cells, e.g. '─┼─'
Outline of the bottom left corner of the table, e.g. '└─'
Bottom outline of table between cells with border between columns, e.g. '─┴─'
Outline of the bottom right corner of the table, e.g. '─┘'
Vertical border between columns, e.g. ' │ '
Gap between columns if no border shall be printed, e.g. ' '
Horizontal border between header and table body, one character wide, e.g. '═'
Crossing of header and column border between cells, e.g. '═╪═'
Header row border between cells without a border between columns, e.g. '══'
Horizontal outline of the table, one character wide, e.g. '─'
Crossing of left table outline and horizontal border between header and table body, e.g. '╞═'
Left outline of the table, e.g. '│ '
Crossing of left table outline and horizontal row border, e.g. '├─'
Row border between cells without a border between columns, e.g. '──'
Table outline border between cells without a border between columns, e.g. '──'
Padding used to in alignment and indentation, e.g. ' '
This is meant to be once character wide.
Crossing of left table outline and horizontal border between header and table body, e.g. '═╡'
Right outline of the table, e.g. ' │'
Crossing of right table outline and horizontal row border, e.g. '─┤'
Horizontal border between rows, one character wide, e.g. '─'
Outline of the top left corner of the table, e.g. '┌─'
Top outline of table between cells with border between columns, e.g. '─┬─'
Outline of the top right corner of the table, e.g. '─┐'
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A set of strings to use for printing table borders.